Soul Trak Student Ambassadors are valuable assets to their college campus. Our next generation of leaders will use this ambassadorship as an opportunity to collaborate with their peers within their ambassador cohort throuhgout each semester to build out promising outdoor engagement for students on Howard's campus.
Through the year, ambassadors will have access to monthly Soul Trak outings to explore different local outdoor adventures like paddling, hiking, climbing and many others. These activities will help fuel their excitement to get outside and also to use the outdoors as a classroom and workspace to plan on school wide campus initiatives.
Students will enjoy incredible opportunities getting outside and developing game plans to collaborate, organize and lead on their campuses. With the support of Soul Trak, students will plan to engage students of color on how to build a community that is more active and spends time outside.
Student ambassadors will make a commitment to take on leadership roles on their campus. Soul Trak will continue to work with its student leaders as they prepare to take action in their communities and on campus.
Soul Trak student leaders will:
Organize small gatherings and events on campus for other students of color with interest in outdoor engagement.
Implement initiatives on campus that they've initially planned during Student Leadership retreat with the help of Soul Trak Staff.
Lead small outings in local parks and trails. Work with other Student Ambassador and Soul Trak Staff for off campus outings and initiatives
Collaborate with outdoor organizations and student groups for different outing opportunities for Soul Trak members.