Soul Trak is creating space for stakeholders, allies, and other supporters to learn and ask questions about more ways to integrate themselves with Soul Trak's mission. We facilitate outings once a quarter where those that support our work can join us in nature, enjoy time with the community and directly support efforts to bridge underrepresented communities to the outdoors. We hostdesignated program for the day and finish with great conversation as a group where we will propose different topics to stimulate deep and engaging conversation. There will be opportunities to sign up for other upcoming programs as well as make donations to approaching programs for our participants.
Take the Soul Trak Diversity Pledge in addition to giving $250 or more annually and become a part of the Soul Supporter community.
Become a Soul Supporter and have the opportunity to directly engage with Soul Trak's extended community. Receive monthly updates of your impact and annual reports of a wider glance of our work. Additionally, Soul Supporters receive invitations to our Annual Spring Flag Ship Fundraising Event and Quarterly community programs that provide opportunities to learn and further involve themselves in this work. Lastly, our Soul Supporters are a community, embracing both their love for the outdoors and furthering access, Soul Support Trek community cultivates a community of supporters who are unified by our organization's mission.
Soul Supporters are emboldened by these core pillars:
Our Soul Supporters are a fundamental aspect of our work. These members of our community are the reason our work is able to come to life. Please join many others in their efforts to diversify the outdoors.
Many of our Soul Supporters are more deeply involved in our work whether that be boar support, resource allocation, volunteer services, and more. Learn how you can play a deeper role in our work.
Organize small gatherings and events on Soul Trak's behalf to help bring more visibility to our cause and expand our community of support.
All year long Soul Trak consistently promotes work and many causes to bridge the adventure gap. Our community helps extend the reach of these efforts through their commitment to spreading the word and advocating alongside us.